Monday, February 21, 2011


Time is truly moving on quickly. But then again, isn't it supposed to happen?

Upon receiving the "Acceptance Packet" from Young Life Expeditions-Scotland, I looked through it and found a consent form. I looked at it and thought, "Wow, I have to fill this entire thing out??" But upon further observation, I noticed that it was for minors...I am no longer a minor. I haven't been one for 5 years now and yet it struck a chord in me that I'm an adult. Don't get me wrong, I see that I am an adult all the time, but sometimes (such as when I see a document I no longer need to fill out) it makes me stop and think about it.

I think about the time that has gone by in these 5 years. In that time so much has happened and I have grown in so many ways. I feel like yesterday I turned 21, the day before -18, and only a blink of an eye since I was 16 (and ready to drive!)

I have asked friends and family (of all different ages and walks in life) and they agree that time does seem to be moving on rapidly, almost too rapidly as some have told me.

One quote from Matthew 24:22 (NIV) says, "If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened." Jesus is speaking about what is to come in response to his disciples asking about the End Times and what the signs will be.

Honestly, looking at what's going on around me in the world, it seems like Jesus is pretty close to taking us home.

If you are interested in reading about the signs to look for I encourage you to read Matthew 24 (Click HERE to read.)

He tells us what to be careful of and what to observe so we know when his coming is near! God amazes me all the time!

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