Thursday, May 10, 2012


As I sit here this morning with a cup of tea, the rain softly falling, Josh Groban's voice in iTunes, my kitty purring at my feet chowing down on her breakfast... I am really starting to understand the meaning of "moving." My life is going to change. Not that it hasn't changed before, but this is a biggie.

Things are going rather smoothly, thank you God. There was a little hiccup with doctors appointments and due dates for the college and such, but I think that's all sorted out. Once I get my health forms to the nursing school I will feel so much better.

Leaving my immediate family, friends, church's going to take quite a bit of adjustment and I'll miss them very much. I will have family in the town I'm moving to and I am so thankful for it!
Luckily I will be able to make it to my friends wedding! I talked with the school and they gave me the "ok" as long as I stay on top of my studies, which I'm sure won't be a problem.

Going through the process of finishing up my last semester at the community college here, almost done almost done almost done!

Time to take my final exam for my online class. I'm averaging a B+ right now...and considering the difficulty of the class I am VERY proud of that grade!! Let's hope my studying for the final pays off!
