Sunday, July 10, 2011

Scotland Around the Corner!

Regarding Hobbits....oh no wait... ::ahem::

Regarding Scotland,

My teammates and I leave for Scotland this week!
I pray that our time there is a blessing to others and that we do God's will.

God called me to go on this trip and he has provided the financial means for me to do this. He has also opened certain doors that made it possible for me to go and one door that was specific to me that I couldn't ignore!

Pray that our team is not spiritually attacked and that the minds of the youth and people we come into contact with have open hearts and minds. Pray for our health and safety while travelling and while overseas. Pray that we will work together as a team, build each other up, and set a great example of what being a follower of Christ looks like.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me through donation and/or prayer. I greatly appreciate it! I'm so ready for this and God's got this!

Note: I do not know if I will have the Internet while overseas. If I do, I may hop on here to write a blurb about what's going on, but if not, don't be disappointed. ;)
