After four and a half years, my braces are finally off!
~*~RIP Braces 9/2006 -5/9/2011~*~
I still can't believe it. I'm still in shock! :) But that's OK. I have been indulging in gum (duh), almonds, walnuts, pecans, raw carrots, a pear and an apple and I have loved every bite of it!!! My gums are a bit sore so I have to be careful still of what I eat because I really don't want to irritate them!
But praise the Lord they are off!!!!
YLX Scotland is coming quickly! Support is still being raised, I am making certain preparations regarding communication while overseas, and I am continuing to pray about the coming trip and that the trip leader will be able to smoothly make the preparations he needs to before we can even get a plane ticket.
We had a conference call in late April for Mike (the trip coordinator) to give us an update on flight information and for us to ask him any questions that we wanted. It was great to put voices to the faces that I see on Facebook and the names in the e-mails!
Tomorrow is my final exam for Chemistry and it is the last exam of the semester! I pray that I do well and that I get a grade that will sustain my GPA, not drop it!
Physical Therapy is DONE!! Woo hoo!!! Praise God!! :)
I am so thankful for the time I get to spend with my brothers and sisters and I am so happy my life is calming down a little so I am able to spend more time with them!!
Last note: The Wedding of the Century is this weekend!! Congratulations to my dear cousin Shirley!!
I am also so thankful that I will have the opportunity to see family that I only get to see every 4-5 years!! :) It will be great and I look forward to every minute of my time up in MA/NH!!
"A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to" -Gandalf (Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring)